
October 30, 2015

One Way Out - Salvage What's Left EP (2005)

Genre: Christian Emu / Alt. Rock
Password: BKM2015

 Emerging from the same country as the band Hawk Nelson and fellow indie rockers Manic Drive comes yet another unique band out of Canada under the moniker of One Way Out. This band combines progressive alt rock guitars along with melodic harmonies and sometimes screamo-type vocals. With their latest effort Salvage What's Left, words seem hard to describe this project as there are only three songs to work with here. Nevertheless, this album is a good starting point for what's to expect from One Way Out in the near future.

Salvage What's Left begins with an emo/power pop number called "Leave It All Behind," a song that stresses the issue of personal struggle and letting go of strongholds that holds one down from giving their all to the Saviour. The following track "Anywhere But Here" has an acoustic pop-type introduction that eventually bursts forth into another strong yet smooth emo power ballad. The album's final song, "Maybe There Is," melds together similar elements of bands like Trapt and Thursday and conveys a message of hope and longing for a deeper relationship with God. Unfortunately, the album comes to an end after just ten minutes of material, which is even short for the standard EP.

Despite the fact that One Way Out can be easily compared to other popular bands that fuse together the genres of emo and progressive alt rock, they are anything short of giving fans a preview of what is to come for this young band. With only a few minor areas needing improvement, Canada's latest act could easily develop a strong fan base in the States if not already having a fanbase of their own in their hometown. If touring with Seventh Day Slumber is any indication of what's to come, one should look forward to hearing more from One Way Out in the not-so-distant future. There's no doubt that they could make a name for themselves in the coming years ahead.(Review date: 9/15/05, written by Paul Portell)

  1. Leave It All Behind
  2. Anywhere But Here
  3. Maybe There Is 

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