Location: Pontiac, MI (USA)
Gene: Southern Gospel
Source: Tape
- Crimson - Sweet, Sweet Spirit (1:53)
- Crimson - Just A Little Talk with Jesus (2:33)
- Crimson - Oh Daniel (1:50)
- Crimson - First Day in Heaven (1:30)
- Crimson - How Great Thou Art (3:40)
- Crimson - Something About That Name (1:53)
- Crimson - Good Old Gospel Music (2:54)
- Crimson - I Should Have Been Crucified (3:09)
- Crimson - Medley of Songs (2:35)
- Crimson - What a Day That Will Be (3:10)
- Crimson - All Hail the Power - Medley (1:18)
Thank you! I've been on the hunt for this recording for five years.