WANTED A to G - 7/22/24

 More wanted albums below.. If you have any let me know.. Thank You

120 dBS - 120 dBS 1993.jpg

120 dBS - The Gambler 1994.jpg

120 dBS - The Light 1995.jpg

2 Pound Planet (Urban Edge) - Songs From The Hydrogen Jukebox 1991

Day - Time - EP 1994.jpg

440 - Fade 1999.jpg

7th Sacrament - 7th Sacrament (Demo) 1991.jpg

Arc - Arc (Gospel,AOR) 1980s LP 

Ängst - Black And 1995.jpeg

Ängst - Strain 1994.jpeg

A-180 (pre-Audio Adrenaline) - Reaper's Train 1990.jpg

A-180 (pre-Audio Adrenaline) - You Turn 1989.jpg

Able Cain - Rarities 2001.JPG

Access - Access 1985.jpg

Adorned Graves - The Hand Of Death - EP 2015.jpg

After The Fall - Touching Glory 1994.jpg

Against Death - Promo CD 2006.jpg

Akeldama - Akeldama 1996.JPG

Akeldama - It’s Time (The Demo Recordings) 1998.JPG

Akeldama - Praying For Time 1997.JPG

Akeldama - Violent Temptation 1992.jpg

Al Atkins - Demo 1989.jpg

Al Denson - Reunion Praise 1998.jpg

Al Denson - Stand Up 1985.jpg

Al Denson - The Battle Is On 1988.JPG

Allegiance - The Best Of 2002.jpg

Alliance - Project (5 Track) 2011.jpg

Alliance - Spiritual Battle - EP 1986.jpg

Allsherjar - Bevara Gud Vårt Fosterland (Demo) 2002.jpg

Almighty - Be There - Ride To Heaven (Single).jpg

Altar - If You've Got the Time 1982.jpg

Altar - Stop The Silence (Demo) 1994.JPG

Altar Boys - Mercy Is What We Cry For! (DVD).JPG

Altura - Demo 1995.jpg

Amnos - Love Songs In D Minor (Demo) 1995.jpg

Amnos - Parables Of Madness (Demo) 1996.jpg

Amos - 9408 (DVD) 2008.jpg

Ancient Prophecy - Lies Of The Serpent (Demo) 2009.jpg

Ancient Prophecy - The Ancient Demos 2009.jpg

Ancient Prophecy - The Fall Of Lucifer 2010.jpg

Ancient Prophecy - The Rising Of The Blood Red Moon 2009.jpg

Andy Lyon - I'll Find My Way 199x.jpg

Andy Lyon - Lyon's Share 1991.jpg

Angel X (BRA) - Anatomy Of A Crime (Demo) 2003.jpg

Angel X (BRA) - Angel X 2006.jpg

Angel X (BRA) - Ghost Ship - EP 2005.jpg

Antem - Demo 198x.jpg

Antestor - Martyrium (Pre-Release Cassette) 1997.jpg

Antic - Antic (Demo) 1993.jpg

Antidemon - 4 Anos (Demo-Tape) 1998.jpg

Antidemon - Antidemon (Demo-Tape) 1995.jpg

Antidemon - Confinamento Eterno (Demo-Tape) 1997.jpg

Antioch - Spontaneous Combustion (Demo) 1987.JPG

APB - And Its Blue 1997.jpg

Apocalypse Of The Risen - The Trial Awaits 2009.jpg

Apostisy - Hell Needs No Savior (Demo) 1990.jpg

Apostisy - Risen From The Dead (Demo) 1996.jpg

Apostle (FL-USA) - King Of The Saints (Compilation) 1986.jpg

Apostle (PA-USA) - A Far Country 1996.jpg  Thanks PoodleHead2005

Appian Way - Live - The Oasis In Platteville, Wisc. 1990.jpg

Appian Way - The Missing Link 1991.jpg

Appian Way - Uniform Result 1990.jpg

Aquila - Out Of The Game - EP 1999.jpg

Arbitrage - Music For The Sacrifice 1991.JPG

Arcangel - Chile (Demo) 1996.jpg

Arise - The Powers That Be... 19xx.jpg

Arise From Thorns - Before An Audience Of Stars (Version '99) 1999.jpg

Arise From Thorns - Demo 1997.JPG

Arise From Thorns - Time Alone - Among The Leaves (Demo) 1999.jpg

Armada - Artifacts 2002.jpg

Armada - Live - Spring Arbor 1985.jpg

Armor - Putting It On (Demo).jpg

Arsenal - Unatitle 1988.jpg

Artie Dison - Forgiving Eyes 1989.jpg

Ascension - Everything In Nature Cries (Single) 2000.JPG

Ash Black - Demolition (Demo) 2002.jpg

Ash Black - Thashcan (Demo) 1992.jpg

Ash Black - Various Demos (Demo) 1997.jpg

Ash Wednesday - Ash Wednesday (The Basement Tapes) 1993.JPG

Ash Wednesday - Thunder From Heaven 1994.jpg

Aslan (CAN) - Demo 1986.jpg

Aspiration - Babel - EP 2015.jpg

Audio Paradox - Audio Paradox - EP 1997.jpeg

Audio Paradox - Audio Paradox 1990.JPG

Auntie Rose - Terrorize EP 1995.jpg

Autovoice - 00000011 1995.jpg

Autumn Lords - Face Of A Demon (Demo) 1998.jpg

Autumn War - Memory - EP 2002.jpg

Autumn War - Six-Song Demo 1998.jpg

AxeMaster - Sampler 1989.JPG

Axemaster - The Heirs To Revolution (Demo) 1983.jpg

Axia - Any Day Now 2009.jpg

Azeta - Reharseal (Demo) 1991.JPG

Azusa Street Band - Avenue 1988.jpg

Azusa Street Band - One Way 1985.jpg

Azusa Street Band - Build A Bridge 2007.jpg

Azusa Street Band - Yield 1985.jpg

Bealiah - Bealiah (Demo) 1995.jpg

Beauty For Ashes - Beauty For Ashes (Demo) 1999.jpg

Beauty For Ashes - Beauty For Ashes (Demo) Inside.jpg

Beauty For Ashes - Black Fades 1998.jpg

Begotten Breed - Never Say Die 1992.JPG

BellBangVilla - In Love With The Greenery 1990.jpg

Belzidum - Regensburgh (Demo) 1996.jpg

Benevolence - 3-song Promo 2005.jpg

Benny Hester - Reason To Be 2008.JPG

Bestir - Demo 2009.jpeg

Betrayal - The Passing Of Time (Compilation) 2001.jpg

Big Apple - All Nite Long  1991.jpg

Bill Olsen - Bill Olsen 1992.JPG

Black & White World - 4-Song Demo 1989.jpg

Black Carnation - Children Of The Revolution 1988.jpg

Black Carnation - Hope 1990.jpg  Jean B

Black Happy - Dry And Confused - Up The Faith (Single) 1990.jpg

Black Widows - Promo Tape 1997.jpg

Blackend Sun - Dead Of Winter (Demo) 1999.JPG

Blackend Sun - Shelob's Lair (Demo) 2000.jpg

Blaster The Rocket Boy - Live At Cornerstone Festival (DVD) 1996.jpg

Blenderhead - Blue Tile Lounge - EP 1994.jpg

Blessed - Ichtus Factor 2004.jpg

Blind Bartimaeus & The Grave Robbers - Soul Searching 1986.JPG

Bliss - Soul Windows 1993.jpg

Blood Justice - Blood Justice (Demo) 1995.jpg

Blood-N-Fire - Extras Unreleased 1994.jpg

BloodBath - Demo II 1993.jpg

BloodBath - Yield To None (Demo) 199x.jpg

Bloodgood - Live In Norway, The Seaside Festival (DVD) 2008.jpg

Bloodgood - Live In Sweden (At The Gullbranna Festival 2008) (DVD) 2009.jpg

Bloodshed (Power Metal) - Demo 199x.jpg

Bloodwork - In His Death (Demo) 2004.jpg

Boanerges (ARG) - Boanerges (Demo) 1993.jpg

Born Blind - Demo 1997.jpg

Brent Henderson - Brother 2 Brother 1993.jpg

Brent Henderson - Peace Be Still 1998.jpg

Bride - In Your Face Unplugged 2008.jpg

Brimstone - Sudden Destruction 1990.jpg

Broken To Pieces - Broken To Pieces (Demo) 1992.jpg

Burnt Offerings - Burnt Offerings 1987.jpg

Cactus World News - Singles, B-Sides (w. Kelmscott Letter).JPG

Cafe' Noire - The Heart Of Winter 1991.jpg

Cafe' Noire - Through The Glass Darkly 1992.jpg

Cafe' Noire - When I Awaken 1990.jpg

Cain's Pain (pre-Rocketboy) - I Should... (Demo) 1994.jpg

Callous - Strength In My Weakness 1997.JPG

Calvarium - Shattered Sin - The Horde Of God (Split) 2010.jpg

Calvin's Dream - The First - EP 1993.jpg

Calvário (BRA) - Herdeiros De Um Reino (Demo) 1992.jpg

Carpenter's Tools - Surrender 1992.jpg

Carson Cole & RU4 - Cure For The World 1984.jpg

Catch 22 - Acoustic Energy 1989.jpg

Catch 22 - The Cry From Within 1986.jpg

Catch 22 - The Demo 1985.jpg

Catch 22 - The Single 1986.jpg

Cathacomb - Decade Of Decadence (Demo) 1993.jpg

Cathacomb - Expiated (Demo) 1995.JPG

Cathacomb - Promo '94 1994.jpg

Catscan - Witness The Change (Demo) 1991.jpg

Chains Off - Forever 1997.jpg

Chains Off - Unwrap 1995.jpg

Changed - Skinny And Naked 1991.jpg

Changed - Wake Up 1990.jpg

Changes - Fall On The Rock!!.jpg

Chaoptic - Celestial Serenades (Demo) 2001.jpg

Chariot - Demo #2 1986.JPG

Chariot - Demo 1988.jpg

Charlotte - Changing 1989.jpg

Charlotte Höglund - Charlotte 1982.jpeg

Chasm - Squander, Squander, The Bright New Dawn 1995.jpg

Cheerful Message - Be Ready 1983.jpg

Cheerful Message - Loving Eyes 1985.jpg

Cherubim - ...Retrospective 1999.jpg

Cherubim - Demo 4 1999.jpg

Chris Lizotte - Perfect Love - Live Worship 2000.jpg

Chryztyne - In The Darkness Of The Night 1992.jpg

Circle One - Public Service Tracks - EP 2013.jpg

Classica - Pieces... (Demo) 1995.jpg

Classica - Unreleased Demo 1989.jpg

Clean Heart - Manipulation (Demo) 2000.jpg

Clemency - Satan's Funeral (Demo) 1998.jpg

Cloud Merchants - Cloud Merchants - EP 1994.jpg

Color Blind - Pain, Prejudice, Stupidity And Pride 1989.JPG

Combat Faith - C-Rations (Demo) 1991.jpg

Combat Faith - Demo 1989.jpg

Confinement - Call For The Action (Demo) 1995.jpg

Contender - Demo 1988.jpg

Conviction (CHI) - MOLOC (Demo) 1998.JPG

Conviction - 1 Thes 1;15 1995.jpg

Conviction - Are You Hiding_ 1993.jpg

Conviction - Death To The Flesh (Demo) 1992.jpg

Conviction - Shake The Hand That Shook The World 1996.jpg

Corpse - Consuming Fire (Split-Tape) 2014.jpg

Corpse - Demo 2 1997.jpg

Corpse - Uncaved (Split-Vinyl) 2013.jpg

Corpus Christi (ARG) - Corpus Christi (Demo) 1995.jpg

Cough - Fullness In Empty 1998.jpg

Covenant (AUS) - Fall Of Rome (Demo) 1993.jpg

Covenant - Covenant (Demo) 1995.jpg

Covenant - Insurgent 199x.jpg

Crashdog - Live At Cornerstone 2002.jpg

Creed - Demo 1989.jpg

Crimson Covenant - Elements Of Fear & Self Destruction 1997.jpg

Crimson Dive - Crimson Dive CD 1991.jpg

Crimson Flood - Smile 1999.jpg

Crimson Thorn - A Thorn In The Flesh Live In Minneapolis 2005.jpg

Crimson Thorn - The Anthology Of Brutality- 1992-2002 The Complete Collective Works 2017.jpg

Crimson Winter - Breathe, Live, Love, Fly 1997.jpg

Crisis - The Missing Peace 1991.jpg

Criven - Gladiadores De La Fe 1993.jpg

Cronic - 50 Years 1998.jpg

Crossection - What About Forever 1987.jpg

Crossfire (USA) - 1985.jpg

Crossfire - Studio Demo.jpg

Crossfire Choir - Back To The Wall 1988.jpg

Crossfire Choir - Crossfire Choir 1986.jpg

Crossfire Choir - Dominique 1991.jpg

Crossfire Choir - Special Radio 5 Track ''12 1986.jpg

Crown Of Thorns - Demo 1995.JPG

Crown Of Thorns - Troutsicle (Demo) 1994.jpg

Crucifer - In The World - EP 1993.jpg

Cruel Shoes - Dancing Shoes - EP 1992.jpg

Crutch - Crutch 1998.jpg

Crutch - Transitions 1999.JPG

Crux - Demo 1994.jpg

Cruz De Fuego - Esta Caliente; Yeos.jpg

Cruz De Fuego - Rey De Reyes (Demo) 199x.JPG

Cry On Cue - Cry On Cue - EP 1986.jpg

Crystal Messiah - Sword Of Fire (Demo) 1990.jpg

Crystavox - Wear It Out (Demo) 1989.jpg

D.B.M. - Decade Of Decadence 199x.jpg

D.E.D. - Autonomous Hipocrisy 2012.jpg

D.E.D. - JHVH NISSI (Demo) 2010.jpg

D.E.D. - Sacrilegio (Demo Unofficial) 2012.jpg

D.F.D. Defleshed - D.F.D. Defleshed (Demo) 2000.JPG

Darrell Mansfield - A Salute To Our Troops 2011.jpg

Darrell Mansfield - Home Run - EP 1999.jpg

Darrell Mansfield - Home Run 2011.jpg

Darrell Mansfield Band - Key To The Highway (Live In Studio) 2011.jpg

Darrell Mansfield Band - Live On Tour 2001.jpg

David Benson - America Wake Up (Demo) 1993.jpg

David Benson - David & Goliath (Demo-Split) 2000.jpg

David John & Steele - David John & Steele.jpg

David's Secret - Too Good For Words 1990.jpg

Davis, Pedigo - Messengers 1986.jpg

Davis, Pedigo Band - Davis, Pedigo 1983.jpg

Dead End Rising - Searching For Shelter 2011.jpg

Dead Pharisees - Knock Me On My Face (Demo) 1996.jpg

DeadLine - DeadLine (Demo) 1998.jpg

Deafaid - Deafaid (Demo) 1998.jpg

Deafaid - Inhale 2000.jpg

Deafaid - The Payment - EP 1999.jpg

Dear Ephesus - Lugsole - Ichabod - Away From Me (Split) 1998.jpg

Death Defying Leap - Deconstruction 1997.JPG

Death Poems - Devotional Tour 1998.jpg

Deathless - Compression Of Morbidity (Demo) 1992.jpg

Deathless - Disgrace In The Temple (Demo) 1991.jpg

Deborah Fatow - Submerged 1998.JPG

DeelSpeed - The Best Deel 1990.JPG

Defender - Written In Stone 1995.JPG

Defiance - Demo 1989.jpg

Deinmorten - Huye De La Muerte (Demo) 2001.JPG

Demoncide - Misericordiae 2008.jpg

Demoniciduth - Enemy Of Satan 2017.jpg

Demoniciduth - Pre-release 1999.png

Demonished - Tower Of Babel (Demo) 1999.jpg

Departure - Last Plane to the Mainland 1985.jpg

Deracination - Deracination (Demo) 1993.jpg

Descend - Destruction... The Beginning 2010.jpg

Descend - Protect To Skull - EP 2013.jpg

Descend - Sinistry 2010.jpg

Desert Rain - Single 1991.jpg

Detonator - Takin' It To The Streets 1992.jpg

Detrimental - Disencumberance (Split) 1999.jpg

Devoration - Only The Strong Still Survive (Demo) 2005.JPG

Devoration - Where The Corpse Lies, There The Vulture Will Gathered Together (Demo) 2004.JPG

Devout - Dissention 2006.jpg

Diall - Shoseiki II (Demo) 1986.jpg

Dimentia - Obliterate Humanity - EP 1993.jpg

Disciple - Death To The Flesh (Demo) 1991.jpg

Disobedience - Of Shadows And Mercy - EP 2009.jpg

Dispensary - Decay Syndrome (Demo) 1990.jpg

Dispensary - Total 1985-2000 (Compilation) 2007.jpg

Divine Child - Every Seven Minutes... 1998.jpeg

Divine Regale - Window (Demo) 1992.jpg

Docnargath - Cries Of Souls (Demo) 2002.jpg

Dodavahu - Dodavahu (Demo) 1991.jpg

Dodavahu - Steamroller.Files 1996.jpg

Dog Baby - Donut 1995.jpg

Dogwood - EP 1997.jpg

Don't Spit On Me Vol. 2 (Split) 1995.jpg

Doomenicus - Promo (Demo) 2007.jpg

Double Stack Scoobie - Four Laments And A Smile 1996.jpg

Doxa - Compilation 2005.JPG

Doxa - Doxa - EP 1990.jpg

Doxa - The Story Of Our Lives 1996.jpg

Dracma - Dracma - EP 2000.jpg

Dragster - New Times (Demo) 2002.jpg

Dream Of Eden - Right To The Heart Of Me.jpg

Dreamer - Dreamer (Single) 1989.jpg

Dreamer - It's Killing Me 1987.jpg

Driver (UK) - I'm Not Dreaming (Single) 1979.jpeg

Driver (UK) - Like A Mirror-Hear I Am (Single) 1979.jpeg

Driver - End Of Time (Compilation) 2007.jpg

Driver - Live Demo '89 1989.jpg

Driver - Tears That I Cry - EP.jpg

Dumpster - Cravin' Mild (Single) 2001.jpg

East West - East West 1998.jpg

Echelon - Snocamp Sessions 1999.jpg

Echelon - Plus (Single) 2004.jpg

Edge Of Forever - Lifeless Tree Skeletal 1998.jpg

Edge Of Mortality - Broken 1999.jpg

Effugium - Assequi Effugium Mortis 2010.jpg

Effugium - Effugium (Demo) 2006.jpg

Effugium - HDH (Demo) 2008.jpg

Effugium - Sacrificios (Demo) 2006.jpg

Elias - Elias (Demo) 1994.jpg

Elinor - Demo 1986.jpg

Elinor - Demo 1991.jpg

Elysium - Even In Our Sorrows (Demo) 199x.JPG

Embodiment - Dishallowant Grounds (Demo) 1994.jpg

Embodyment - Persistent Sin (Demo) 1992.jpg

Emit Ridge - Discretion 1995.jpg

Emit Ridge - The Change (Single) 1996.jpg

Emotion - Right On Time (Single).jpg

Empty Tomb - '88-'93 (Collection) 199x.jpg

Endless Flight - As Worlds Collide 1989.jpg

Enigma - Tempos Do Fim 2001.jpg

Equinox - Ceremony Of The North Winds (Demo) 1998.jpg

Eternal Decision - Demo 1994.jpg

Eternal Decision - Demo 1995.jpg

Eternal Decision - Two Thousand Years Of Metallica (Compilation) 2005.jpg

Eternal Light - Spread Your Wings 1993.jpg

Eternity - Denounced (Demo) 1993.jpg

Eternity - Follow Me (Demo) 1993.jpg

Eternity - One Minute To Destruction (Demo) 1992.jpg

Ethereal Soul - Demo 199x.jpg

Etheric Soul - Soul Experience 1991.jpg

Euthanasia - Cesta Ke Světlu Končí .... (The Best Of 1994-2015) 2015.jpg

Evisceration - Coming Of Age (Demo) 1998.jpg

Exaudi - Morgendämmerung 2016.jpg

Excision - Default 2003.jpg

Excision - Manipulation Of Response (Demo) 1997.jpg

Excision - Worldhate (Split) 2000.jpg

Exdras - Apostasia (Demo) 1999.jpg

Exhale - Die Inside (Demo) 2004.gif

Exhumator (pre-Five Iron Frenzy) - Hooked On Phonix (Demo) 1992.jpg

Exit - Let It Go (Demo) 1989.jpg

Exit-40 - Myopia 2000.jpg

Exit-40 - The Almighty 1999.jpg

ExitThreeSixteen - Exit Three Sixteen 1997.jpg

Exorcism - A Journey Into Night Chasms - EP 2000.jpg

Exorcism - Suspended Above The Flesh (Demo) 1997.jpg

Exorcism - The Afterlife - EP 1998.jpg

Exorcism - Vanish Into The Depths - EP 1999.jpg

Exorcista - Publish Or Perish (Demo) 2007.jpg

Extreme Mardi Gras -The Extreme Compilation 2002.jpg

Extreme Teens - Write It On Your Heart 1996.JPG

Ezekiel's Wheel - Ezekiel's Wheel 1996.JPG

Ezekiel's Wheel - Go Aiead.JPG

Ezekiel's Wheel - Kevorkian Marchine 2007.JPG

Ezra - Demo 1995.jpg

Ezra - Demo 1997.jpg

Ezra - Face To The Son 1985.jpg

Faith - In The Twelfth Hour (Demo) 1995.jpg

Faithbomb - Fallout [Live And Demo] (Compilation) 2000.jpg

Faithful Witness - Faithful Witness (Demo) 1993.jpg

Far From Sanity - Demo 2002.jpg

Fashion Death - Fashion Death 19xx.jpg

Fatal Blessing - Fatal Blessing (Demo) 1989.jpg

Fearful Learning - Get Ready! 1997.jpg

Feast Eternal - Demo 1994.png

Feast Eternal - Prisons Of Flesh (DVD) 2007.gif

Fides - Apostasia (Demo) 2005.jpg

Fides - Lazarus Rise (Demo) 2002.jpg

Fighting - Demo 2003.jpg

Final Prophecy  - Where Pain Never Dwells (Single) 1990.jpg

Final Prophecy - Spiritus Gladius [Rehearsal '90] (Demo) 1990.jpg

Final Tragedy - Final Tragedy 1996.jpg

Final Tragedy - Greed 2001.jpg

Final Tragedy - Trial Of Tears - EP 1998.jpg

Final Vengeance - ...Within The Realm (Split) 2009.jpg

Final Warning - Figurehead 1993.jpg

Final Warning - Final Warning 1992.jpg

Final Warning - Listen! 1989.jpg

Final Warning - Time Ran Out  199x.jpg

Five O'Clock People - In The Bleak Midwinter 2001.jpg

Five O'Clock People - Live @ GFU 2.8.2008 (DVD) 2008.jpg

Five O'Clock People - Temper Temper 2008.jpg

Five O`Clock People - Tripping The Spindly Distractive 2000.jpg

Five To Midnight - Five To Midnight 1997.JPG

Fleshwalker - Fleshwalker (Demo) 1993.jpg

Fleshwalker - Live 199x.jpg

Fleshwalker - Smile Jesus Loves You (Demo) 1991.jpg

Flick - Flick - EP 1997.jpg

Flock 14 - New History - EP 1989.jpg

Focused - At Eternity's Gate (Demo) 1993.jpg

Focused - Situation Within (Demo) 1992.jpg

Fortress - Refuge In The Rock 1986.jpg

Fourth Dimension - Fourth Dimension (Demo) 2002.JPG

Fourth Estate - Edge Of The Shadow (Demo) 1989.jpg

Fourth Estate - In Phase (Demo) 1990.jpg

Frank's Enemy - 3 Live Cuts + Interview - EP 1995.jpg

Frank's Enemy - Final Absolution (Demo) 1992.jpg

Frank's Enemy - Link Line 1992.jpg

Frankly Scarlet - Stories I've Heard Before - EP 1995.JPG

Frenzy - Social Disease 1991.jpg

Frost Like Ashes - Demo 2002.jpg

Frost Like Ashes - Live In Omaha (DVD) 2011.jpg

Frosthardr - Elements Of Rock 2015 Limited Pre-Release Edition.jpg

FUSE - Waiting 1996.JPG

Galactic Cowboys - Demos And B-sides.JPG

Game Over - Playing With Fire (Demo) 1992.jpg

Gideon's Army - 300 1999.jpg

Glisten - Light Of Mine 1996.jpg

God - Sufletul Neamului 2016.jpg

God - The Complete Works 2013.jpg

Godcore 1 - Conviction Of Sin US Decay 1989.jpg

Godcore 2 - Moral Majority 1989.jpg

Godcore 3 - Conviction Of Sin Live 1989.jpg

Godfearing - Live At Rock Chance (Demo-Tape) 1998.jpg

Godfearing - Several Recordings (Demo) 1996.jpg

Godfearing - Sons Of Eternal Way + Live Performances At Rock Chance Vaslui (Remastered) 2005.jpg

Godfearing - Sons Of Eternal Way 1997.jpg

Godrock - For Those Who Hunger For God's Word...And Some Cool Music 1999.JPG

Godrock - Let There Be Dancing 1993.jpg

GodSent Humans - Repent Or Die Live (Demo) 1988.jpg

Godspeed - Cephas (Michigan-Thrash Metal).jpg

Golgatha (Cape Walk) - Just In Time 1993.JPG

Golgatha - Demo 1994.jpg

Golgatha - Merry-Go-Round 1996.JPG

Golgatha - On The Line - EP 1994.jpg

Golgatha - Shake (Single) 1999.jpg

Golgota - Exulted Divina Mysteria - EP 2009.jpg

Golgotha (UK) - Orchestral Stab - EP 1988.JPG

Golgotha (USA) - Golgotha (Demo) 1995.jpg

Golgotha (ZAF) - Golgotha (Demo) 199x.JPG

Golgotha (ZAF) - Urban Genocide (Demo) 1995.jpg

Golgotha - Demo (Darrell Hillman) 1985.jpg

Grace Thirsty Souls - G.T.S. 1994.jpg

Grammatrain - Flying Tour (Bootleg) 1997.jpg

Grammatrain - Live Decennium (DVD) 2010.JPG

Graphic Verses - Graphic Verses 1997.jpg

Graveyard Cafe - Fresh Ground 1992.jpg

Graviora Manent - Moving Pictures 1994.jpg

Grim - Coming Of End (Demo) 1998.jpg

Grim - Demo-Tape 1994.jpg

Groms - Turn (Demo) 1993.jpg

Gryp - Real 1997.jpg

Guns Of Fire - Viva The Revolution (Live) 1991.jpg


  1. Hola amigo, yo tengo el de Antioch y el de Arcangel (Ch)

    1. hey bro, post it for download please

  2. Do you happen to have "Kids These Days" and "Element316" from Element 101?


Note: All rude / spam comments are deleted...